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We pride ourselves on confidentiality, and therefore the names of individuals and companies will be changed. However, the circumstances are factual.
Company A is committed to improving its team's mental well-being and reducing work-related stress. They carry out the MindSafe process every quarter, enabling them to identify trends from an environmental and human perspective.
Company A has a dedicated and loyal team, and most of them have been working there for over five years.
Over the past seven months, they have undergone some significant changes within the business from a growth and structure perspective, both are impacting the team's stress levels.

Case Study 3
The Importance of collecting data and identifying trends
to reduce work-related stress.

The leadership team knew their team was excited about the newly implemented business changes. However, they could also see that the team was stressed and under pressure.
The leadership team was conscious that prolonged stress levels aren't conducive to their team's high performance or mental and physical well-being. They were at risk of increased sick leave, WorkCover claims or losing some of their great people.
The changes within the business were crucial to the business's growth and survival, they had implemented an excellent change management process to support the team through the change, but they still could see their team struggling with stress.
From the surface, they couldn't work out what they could do more to support their team. Sure the leadership team could address the symptoms, but how could they work at removing the stress when they couldn't identify the cause?

Proactive Action has worked within the business for over a year carrying out the MindSafe assessments every quarter. Collecting data and trends, supporting their team from a leadership, cultural and psychosocial perspective.
Their recent assessment showed that their overall KPI hadn't changed much; however, there was change around the individual Factor KPIs.
The data has become invaluable to the leadership team. The recent assessment and focus groups enabled us to identify trends and the impact of the changes on their team from a psychosocial perspective.
The individual KPIs for the factors allowed us to drill down to see where the risks and opportunities were for each demographic.
This enabled us to put a data-driven reactive and proactive strategy in place, reducing the risk to the company and also the team.

For context, an example of the data that came out of the assessments was:
the majority of the team was worrying about work when they got home, which impacted their family life.
the team felt they didn't have as much control over their role and felt overwhelmed.
It was essential to support the team through 'worrying while at home', as this negatively impacted their wellbeing and family life. We used the focus group to understand why they felt they were worrying at home. We also took advantage of the situation to give them a framework to use at home, allowing them to be present with their family.
We also altered the 1:1 meetings framework to support their team in getting clarity around their role to give them a sense of control.
We used the MindSafe app to upload the frameworks and some time management techniques to support them in removing the overwhelm.

It was easy for the team to feel heard and acknowledged by creating intentional strategies.
Creating differently framed conversations among the team started to remove stress as they had more clarity around their role and expectations.
Having the techniques on the MindSafe app on their phone allowed the team to access the techniques quickly.
Although the workload is still high and the company is working towards employing more people, the team's stress levels are more manageable due to feeling supported and having techniques that they know how to use and implement.
We understood what had changed within the team and what we could do about it. Targeting our strategy around the data allowed us to streamline actions and training to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time.