Have you experienced being micromanaged? How does it feel? Or are you a leader who micromanages your team? What results are you getting?
I could bet that you are not happy with the result if you have experienced any of these because in workplaces micromanaging is one of the most common complaints by employees.
Micromanagement is whereby a manager controls their subordinates or team extensively even with trivial details. This makes other managers think that it is needed to be successful in the business. But, it creates a negative impact on workers as it limits their creativity, productivity, and overall performance. [1]
For managers who micromanage their team, it is a sign of insecurity in the capabilities of a leader, and it has an opposite effect to what you want to achieve. Micromanagers want to make sure that people are getting their work done, but what happens is people feel frustrated, demoralised and resentful. [2] This isn’t recognised as a productive approach due to the increase of psychosocial hazards in workplaces such as:
Decrease productivity as they feel a lack of confidence.
Increases undue stress and frustration.
Mental health issues like anxiety and depressions.
Poor health causes an increase in sickness absence.
Holds creativity and innovations to deal with situations.
Increases turnover rates which cause additional costs to the business.
Waste of time controlling on others work instead of focusing on big responsibilities of a leader.
Successful businesses build a safe and healthy environment in the workplace. One way to achieve this is to encourage workers to be creative and productive, not by breathing their neck down to control every single detail of their tasks. Here are 3 ways to help you manage and support your team without micromanaging. [3]
Implement effective delegation
It is essential to give each employee tasks that will suit their strength and skillsets. This is a strength-based approach that enables them to feel motivated and excel, increasing their productivity. According to Gallup research, delegating is a fundamental managerial trait for successful leaders. When you delegate tasks properly you can avoid micromanaging, freeing up your time, allowing you to focus on tasks that yield the highest returns in the business. [4]
Set clear goals and stop perfectionism
Establish clear goals and expectations beforehand, minimising mistakes. Ensuring that you are clear with objectives, the period in which the task needs to be completed, the standards to be measured.
To simply put this, it means that as a leader, you are telling them WHAT you want them to achieve and not HOW you expect them to do it. This will encourage workers to take the initiative and perform better.
There are times when things do not go as planned, and the best way to deal with it is by seeing failure as an opportunity, enabling you to try new things. Let go of perfectionism as it is one of the reasons behind micromanaging. Being open to new techniques and ideas, encouraging confidence and innovation within your team.
Ask what they need and give them what they need.
Find out from your team what they need from you to be more engaged at work. Having excellent communication skills can build a strong relationship between you and your team. Establishing a clear communication channel within your team is vital.
Giving constructive feedback about performance is important, remember to recognise their accomplishments too. This is to maintain the trust and respect between you and your team. [5]
These 3 ways can help you create a safe and healthy environment in your workplace for your workers to be creative, productive and grow with their delegated tasks.
If you would like to know more about this subject and your workplace or how to improve your team’s mental wellbeing that’s tailor-made to your team and progress you can test and measure, contact us today on 1300 114 818 for a private and confidential conversation or email us at info@proactiveaction.co.
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